I’ve always been an Artist... just not always so within the visual Arts. Born in NYC in the middle of the last century... I first pursued a career in Music. I sold my recording studio in 2000 to pursue a Life of ‘creative drift’, and since then I’ve drifted into creating Epson UltraChrome inkjet canvas paintings & Chromaluxe Aluminum panels to express my Art. I find these relatively new technology-Art processes fascinating. They’re often referred to as: ‘Post Analog’ or ‘Painting 2.0’ painting. I’ve also created a new modern philosophy called ‘1-Oneness’ < http://1-Oneness.org > My Art is largely about expressing my icons within broader contexts, and I feel that much like ‘silk screen’ was 40 years ago... that the UltraChrome inkjet to canvas & Chromaluxe Aluminum panel mediums are new, cutting edge, evolutionary processes for Artists to explore and define.
I’m a big believer in ‘Love-NRG’. I think that it’s all that truly is... while hate & evil, and the misery & mess that extends from them, is all that falsely is. I created ‘HeartSun’ Icons to symbolize ‘1-Love- NRG’. And so ‘HeartSuns’ are seen throughout many of my works, as are ‘Star Being’ icons, which symbolize all Humans, and our Galaxy itself, as we are made from the Star Dust of exploded Stars.